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How To Find A Career Path That Brings You Joy

How To Find A Career Path That Brings You Joy

A job that doesn’t bring you joy can make you incredibly unhappy and unfulfilled in life. For some, a career doesn’t matter to them, and as such, they’ll find satisfaction in one career and/or job for the rest of their lives.

For others, though, their career significantly impacts their life in general. It’s, therefore, important to know what you need in order to find a career that brings you joy. Here are some helpful tips to get you started.

Find your reason to get out of bed

When it comes to a career path or job in general, you want something that is going to encourage you to get out of bed every morning. There are jobs that don’t provide that get-up-and-go attitude. For some, they might be currently in a job role that is causing them to phone or be sick and stay in bed, as the idea of going to work is not something they want.

Finding your reason to get out of bed is important because you want a job and career to enjoy. It’s not just about the money but the purpose it gives you. Everyone needs purpose and direction in their life, regardless of where they find it.

Careers change and change much more frequently than previous generations have done when it comes to a job. Many would simply stay in it, even if they were unhappy. Nowadays, if you’re not happy in a job, it’s more common for people to leave than to stay in the role for the rest of their career lifespan.

Look at the type of future you want

What type of future do you want? Are you wanting to retire early on in your life, or are you the type of person who finds not working odd? It might be that you want to find a career that offers flexibility to live more freely around it.

You are in control of your career and life. You no longer need to adhere to a certain lifestyle when it comes to your career, and that’s refreshing. How you live your life is down to you entirely, so it’s useful to know what type of future you want in relation to your career in particular.

Ask yourself where you see yourself when it comes to the career type and role. Perhaps you’re looking for a change in the industry and would like to explore a career that’s somewhat close to your personal joys. For example, a career with the religion you follow might be an option. It’s good to know what duties certain roles have, such as a chaplain vs pastor.

You might want to go into a career path that is closely linked to a hobby you have and that you’ve found great joy in within recent years. The opportunities are endless, so it’s good to get out some feelers to know what it is that will result in the future you aspire to have.

What are the necessities for your career?

What are you looking to get out of your next career choice? Maybe it’s a stronger benefits package that provides various benefits for you and your household right now. It could be a managerial role you’re after now that you’ve had plenty of experience and training to become a manager.

When searching for a new job, you should note the necessities. You’ll also have some optional wants, but those aren’t crucial to accepting the role in question.

The necessities for your career are important to identify so that you don’t slip into another role that isn’t what you’re looking for in the long term. If you need guidance, it might be worth speaking to friends or family members for their advice. A career advisor may also be a good shout if you need professional advice on what to look for.

While careers can change from one person to the next, it’s good to find your calling so that you can hopefully have a long and fruitful career in one place or at least for a longer period of time.

Know what your strengths are and your weaknesses

Strengths and weaknesses are something we all have, which is important to highlight when it comes to your career decisions. While strengths are fantastic to have, it’s useful to know what your weaknesses are and how this might impact your ability to go into certain careers or roles.

Your weaknesses don’t need to remain so. You could identify these weaknesses and then put them in place to convert them into strengths. For example, if management isn’t something you’re good at or have experience in, you may want to do a course in management so that you can hopefully step into a junior role to begin with.

Another weakness could be a lack of confidence. This is another soft skill that can be taught but nurtured over time. It may be a good idea to look at networking opportunities if you’re someone who likes 

Consider the obstacles in place

When it comes to finding the right career path for you, it’s good to take a look at what potential obstacles might be in place along the way.

Finding an achievable career path is important, but the challenges often vary when it comes to what could potentially prevent you from achieving the career or job role you’re after.

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