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You've Nailed Your Staff-Focused Safety - But What About Your Visitors?

You've Nailed Your Staff-Focused Safety - But What About Your Visitors?

Let’s say that your business has been so focused on its safety approach that you’ve had a 0% injury rate for three years running. A laudable goal even if it’s one absolutely necessary to pursue, and it shows something in your planning is going right. One of the biggest mistakes to make would be to rest on your laurels and assume this was due to good planning alone and not good upkeep. After all, even the best laid plans can have vulnerabilities.

This attitude can also express itself outwards. Sure, your staff may feel (and verifiably be) incredibly safe at work, but what about new people coming in who don’t know the environment as well? What of the work experience/shadowing student, or the clients you have coming in to visit your factory floor, or the business partners coming in to discuss your next mutual promotion?

In order to be responsible for safety, we have to plan for it well in all its forms. Let’s consider how we might achieve that.

Securing Your Exterior

Securing your parking space and outside of your building is essential because this is the first area from which someone will step onto your property. You may use EverLine Coatings and Services to make sure your parking area is perfectly laid out and ready for good driving logistics within that space - meaning pedestrians can walk through your car park knowing the exact layout of how cars are expected to drive through it, preventing collisions and other difficulties. You can also implement helpful lighting and CCTV to keep the exterior space safe at all hours of the day.

Secure Interiors

Many of us think that securing parks of our building can help protect against intruders, and it can, but it’s not only the staff we’re protecting here. If a lost visitor accidentally walks through your loading bay without any visible safety equipment, it’s not hard to see how this could put them at risk. Secure gated interiors that use keycard access for verified staff can ensure no one gets lost and only the right people have access to the right areas. A helpful reception desk and worthwhile signposting can also remove a great deal of confusion from navigating your space.

A Robust Appointment System

If you don’t know when or where to expect people, it’s hard to provide for them. For example, if you know an appointment is coming, you can reserve parking spaces near the front of your building for the important individuals arriving just after lunch. You can also tell your staff who to expect and how to accommodate them (if your client has a nut allergy, you’ll make sure not to provide these as snacks, etc), great communication is key, and it’s always better to be transparent when it comes to matters of safety than the alternative.

With this advice, you’re certain to ensure your visitors are as safe as the staff you protect day in and day out.

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