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Styling for Self-Care: How to Make It All Fit

Styling for Self-Care: How to Make It All Fit

Self-care is one of those things that covers so many different disciplines and approaches. Changing your style can be a wonderful way to enhance your self-care routine and work wonders with your confidence. But where do we begin when it comes to changing our style for the sake of self-care? Here are a few options.

Reflect on Your Current Look

When we want to improve how we feel about ourselves, there can be a temptation to do away with our current style completely. But really look at yourself in the mirror. What aspects do you actually like? Lots of people look for something little as a way to bring out their inner personality. For example, some people discover diamonds as a perfect way to bring some more glamor into their lives.

But if there are aspects that you would like to change, you need to see what changes actually work with your self-care goals. Lots of people say they want to look better, but what is it about yourself that you'd like to improve on in a visual sense? This all begins with truly breaking down your current style.

Look at What Makes You Confident

Comfort zones are critical when it comes to self-care. Lots of people think that they need to completely escape their comfort zone so they can become better versions of themselves. The answer is that, actually, it's somewhere in between.

The road to change is about taking those small incremental steps. If you completely push yourself out of your comfort zone and overhaul your style, you won't see the wood for the trees because you will be hung up on the fact that you've made a change rather than whether this change is working. It's important for us to trust our instincts here and recognize what makes us comfortable and confident without pushing ourselves too far out of our comfort zone all at once.

Break Your Wardrobe Down

A very therapeutic solution is to declutter your wardrobe. You can benefit from removing things that don't make you feel confident or will not fit with your new style, but decluttering also helps you to work through your past and say goodbye to aspects of your personality that literally don't fit anymore. When you break your wardrobe down, you will feel far more ready to start pushing towards something that feels more like a new version of you.

Have Some Clear Intentions

Making changes is about having clearly defined goals. What is it that you really want to change? If we want to feel more confident or try something new, having more clarity will guide our choices effectively. Take the time to truly think about who you are and what you would really want to achieve so you can get to the next phase of your life.

We all want to feel better about ourselves, and in terms of self-care, changing our style is a wonderful way to give ourselves a revamp inside and out. But we have to remember it's not just changing the exterior. If we really want to make a personality fit, it all comes from within as well.

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