Alina Bradford

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Making Your Content Writing SEO Friendly in 2020

Writing great content these days doesn’t just mean that you get your point across to your readers in a way that flows well. While the message is still important, and the way that you use your words does matter, one area that writers need to focus their craft is on making sure that their content is optimized for search engines. 

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a vast area that is vitally important for any creatives working in any online medium. Whether you are a writer creating blog posts, or you are creating all of the text for use on a website, SEO is something that you will always need to keep in the back of your mind. 

With companies investing a great deal of money in this area, often by using an seo specialist, it is important that you meet the needs of the clients by ensuring your writing is SEO friendly.

Watching The Keywords

One of the biggest areas that you need to focus your attention on when it comes to making sure your writing is SEO friendly is your use of keywords. The subject that you are writing about will be of interest to someone, and in order to get that person’s attention in the first place, your writing needs to include all of the terms that they are likely to put into a search engine in order to find the type of content they want to read. 

Using keyword research tools such as SEMrush, Moz, or Google Search Console it is possible to find out what keywords you should be including in your text. 

Fitting these words into your content in the most natural manner is important. Some content writers will force these words wherever they can, and it will make the writing uncomfortable to read. Remember, while you are writing to attract the attention of the search engines, your writing is still being read by humans. Also, search engines will penalize your article if you keyword stuff.

Keep It Original 

While your readers may not be able to tell that you have plagiarized some of your text, the likes of Google will, and they will penalize sites for doing this. Make sure that you run some basic plagiarism checks on anything you write before you upload it.

Using Backlinks

Adding links in your content that will take the reader to another part of the website helps search engines to put your writing into context. Backlinks work as a sort of vote of confidence too. Including links to other sites in your writing is also advisable. However, make sure that any links that you include will add value to the piece. 

The Length Of The Piece 

Search engines like to ensure that they are sending users to content that is going to be useful, and having a reasonable word count on a piece is one way that you can help attract the attention of the likes of Google and Bing. 

The length of the piece should relate to the subject matter, however, search engines like to see denser content. It is important to note, that you should avoid using fluff or filler to add to the word count as this will ultimately make the writing dull for human readers.