Alina Bradford

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Keep Your Business In The News

When it comes to increasing your brand awareness and the prestige of the company, you should never underestimate the impact of having your business in well-respected publications. Here, we’re going to look at ways you can keep your business in the news and, as a result, help a lot more people get to know your brand.

Know what’s newsworthy

Most publications are always looking for new stories to share and, believe it or not, you might have blown right past some of your own. HuffPost offers tips on writing great press releases, so make sure that you keep an eye out for any newsworthy events happening in the business, including launches, awards, and any other developments. Build a list of press contacts as you go along, sending your releases out as widely as possible.

Taking to writing yourself

If you want to shine a light on your business, you can do it indirectly by having a light shone on you, the business owner. By writing posts for major online publications, focusing on newsworthy insights and tips for those involved in the market, you can get your name out there while linking back to your own business.

Do some good in the world

You don’t necessarily have to get in the news for a business achievement, either. There are other causes that you can work towards that are likely to improve your reputation. Cause marketing, as described by Small Biz Trends, involves aligning your business with charitable and non-profit causes, be it in fundraising, profit-sharing, or awareness-raising campaigns and is a very reliable way to get some press coverage.

Work with those who know your business

If you want to end up in publications that cover your industry specifically or know what kind of news is most likely to get covered, then you should look at marketing agencies that specifically work in providing PR for your industry. A law firm-specific agency like Elite Lawyer Management is likely to know better how to get your business in the news than a more general PR firm. Stick with those who know your market and already have connections you can capitalize on.

Make sure you’re in the news for the right reasons

There’s a saying that all press is good press, but you just need to look at some of the most recent corporate disasters and scandals to see that this isn’t true. When it comes to business, you need to make sure it’s as disaster-proof as possible. This means having a crisis management plan that involves getting in touch with the press to get ahead of any major issues. Reputation management services can help you deal with the fallout of bad news cycles, too.

It’s important to always be looking for the next opportunity to put your business on a pedestal and get some positive attention while managing bad news as expertly as possible. Hopefully, the tips above help you find the ways to do just that.