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How to Improve Employee Retention

How to Improve Employee Retention

Some businesses may have cracked how to keep their employees engaged, motivated and committed to their mission, but for the majority of organizations, employee retention is a complex task. It takes time for start-ups to build a core team of skilled, reliable and motivated people and plenty of trial and error along the way. The business world is a competitive one and with online recruitment and networking platforms, it’s easier than ever before for staff to be lured away by competitors. If you are struggling with high staff turnover, and are concerned about losing key members of your team, this guide will outline some useful tips to help you create a more stable workforce. 

Establish a Positive Workplace Culture

If you are looking for motivated, positive and honest employees, you need to establish a workplace culture which will attract those types of people. Whether you want a casual atmosphere or a very professional environment, you need to create the workspace to suit your ideal team.

Adjust Your Recruitment Procedures 

Sometimes there are signs that a candidate may not be looking for a long-term position or that they are prone to jumping between jobs. There is nothing wrong with changing jobs if it’s for reasons such as circumstantial changes or for career advancement, but it’s a point which should be queried at the interview stage. If they are someone who becomes bored or frustrated very quickly, will you be able to provide them with enough variation and opportunity for development

Provide Training and Development Opportunities 

Ongoing training and development for your staff is important not only in terms of ensuring they have the necessary skills to perform their roles effectively, but also in order to show them you are invested in their career. By providing relevant training courses and opportunities to expand their skill set, you can ensure they remain stimulated and engaged in their role. 

Give Regular Feedback 

To be able to work to their full potential, your employees need to understand their roles and what is expected of them and whether or not they are meeting those expectations. Each employee should have a job plan which outlines their responsibilities and KPIs, but they should also receive regular feedback from leaders in the business. If an employee is unsure about their purpose or their performance, they are likely to feel confused and unmotivated. 

Ask for Regular Feedback

While you are providing feedback to your employees, you should also ask for feedback from them. They should feel they are able to voice their opinions and be heard as a valued member of the organization. The difficulty is that they may not always feel comfortable speaking up, especially if they want to raise concerns or criticisms. However, you can give your employees the opportunity to provide feedback via Inpulse employee survey software. This information can then be used to improve your operation in the future. 

Don't Neglect High Performing Employees

Too often managers focus on the employees who are not working to a satisfactory level, while neglecting to acknowledge those who are meeting or exceeding expectations. If this continues for a prolonged period, it can lead to resentment and a feeling that they are not appreciated. Be sure to provide regular support and encouragement to all of your staff and to appropriately reward those who go above and beyond appropriately. 

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