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 How IT continues to revolutionize business

How IT continues to revolutionize business

Over the past 30 years, the way we do business has changed - almost beyond recognition. Processes and practices that would have been impossible just a short time ago are now second nature and part of everyday business. 

The Importance of IT 

IT has become central to most company’s operations to the point a fully functioning IT network – with security both in-house and online – is now the business norm rather than the exception. 

It is challenging to picture a company that doesn’t use – at least to some degree – IT in its operations. Businesses big and small rely on networking companies like the Techware Corporation to handle all aspects of their IT design, management and security environments.

Here are just some ways IT continues to dominate the modern business landscape.


Websites and apps have put the power of selling into the hands of companies of all sizes, regardless of geographic location or wealth. Nowadays, any company can set up an online shop and begin trading in a global marketplace. 

Shopping online was once viewed with slight suspicion, but as security concerns have been largely addressed, it has become a societal norm. The development of specialized shopping apps has facilitated the shopping process yet further, personalizing the experience and providing a secure and comfortable environment for users to buy online. 

Availability and exposure

By having a website, your company is accessible and viewable from any location in the world 24/7/365. The internet has granted access to global audiences and markets in a way never thought possible, vastly increasing the reach of products and services. 

Social media

In the world before social media, customers had to come to your website to learn about you. Now, through notifications, anyone who has signed up to ‘follow’ your company will receive your latest news or update automatically. Social media provides a fantastic tool for building customer loyalty and generating new business online. 

Augmented reality

The world of augmented reality (AR) is still in its relative infancy but offers incredible potential for merging the off- and online worlds. One particularly exciting area of wearable technology is in the travel and tourism sector, where users can take virtual tours of a site without even leaving home. AR also has significant potential in the world of healthcare, where doctors are already trialing in the treatment and diagnosis of patients. 

3D printing

3D printing technologies are growing apace and starting to have a real impact on manufacturing and production techniques. As the tech improves – and the size/complexity of printable models increases – 3D manufacturing will change the face of modern manufacturing. The technology is now so advanced, it is scheduled to for use in the planned Mars expeditions – as a way to build shelters and accommodation on the red planet. 

Cloud-based computing and networking

The advent of cloud computing has meant companies can access data from anywhere, on any device. By levering the processing power of a remote system, cloud-based applications allow even the most basic handheld devices to run complex, CPU-hungry computing tasks. Leasing software has also become extremely popular, meaning companies can use apps and programs as and when they need them. 

The world of IT has revolutionized every aspect of our everyday and business lives. As the emergence of new and improved technologies continues unabated, IT will continue to change our business and social landscapes. 

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