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How Business Owners Can Encourage Better Waste Management in Their Community

How Business Owners Can Encourage Better Waste Management in Their Community

As a business owner who’s trying to do what they can to secure financing and stay afloat month to month, how often do you think about your community? Specifically, the area you’re living in. Regardless of whether your business deals with the community or is a business that deals with people from all over, in some way, shapes, or forms your business (specifically you in your personal life), it is strongly affected by your community.

One thing that impacts all communities is trash, everyone and every business produces waste. Maybe your business is very strict when it comes to sustainability, maybe you’re strict about sorting your waste, but does it do a lot if you’re one of the few that does this? Maybe not.

So, how can you get your community to make changes? Well, you might be able to get involved! So, with that all said, here’s how you can encourage better waste management in your neighborhood!

Collaborate with Other Local Businesses

They say it takes a village, and when it comes to waste management, that’s definitely true. One small business making changes is great, but a whole group of them? Now we’re talking! So, you might want to start by connecting with other local businesses to share ideas and strategies. Maybe there’s a restaurant down the street that’s looking to cut down on food waste or a boutique that’s interested in reducing packaging.

But before you reach out, you might want to learn some of the right terminology regarding waste management from CurbWaste, mostly so the other businesses you’re working with can understand. If they also know the right words, they might be able to plan accordingly. But with that said, why work together?

 Well, by working together, you can pool resources, share tips, and even organize joint initiatives like a neighborhood recycling drive. It’s easier to get a message out there if there are more people who know about the said message.

Engage Your Customers

Needless to say, education is probably the best way to do it, but it’s not the only way to do it, either! You could also incentivize waste reduction. Ideally, you should offer discounts for customers who bring their own bags, cups, or containers. You’d be surprised how quickly people jump on board when there’s a little perk involved. The goal here is to make waste management feel like a community effort rather than a solo mission.

Partner with Local Waste Management Programs

Your local government or community organizations likely already have waste management programs in place, so why not partner up? Usually, these organizations have no reason to say no. For example, maybe there’s a community cleanup day you can sponsor, or perhaps there’s a program aimed at reducing e-waste that could use a boost. This is just an example, but something like this could definitely help.

Start a Conversation, Spark a Movement

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of conversation. Sometimes, all it takes to spark change is one person starting a dialogue. Use your platform—whether that’s your website, social media, or even just a sign in your store—to talk about the importance of waste management. It goes back to engaging people, other businesses and your customers. The louder the message, the bigger the change, usually. 

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