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Home Office Essentials for Maximum Comfort

Home Office Essentials for Maximum Comfort

When it comes to working out of the home, there are always a few essentials that are needed in order to perform with maximum comfort. A quiet space to think, a well-lit area and seating that allows for proper posture are all tools of the trade. Combine all of this with the proper music, and you'll have a home office that is just as good if not better than a traditional office setting. Let's explore some of the industry-standard best practices for maximizing comfort while working from home.

Good Lighting

Lighting is perhaps the most critical aspect of writing. When the screen or room is too bright, it can become impossible to see the computer screen. When it's too dark, it becomes difficult to focus on the creative process. A nice medium is a moderately lit space. Best LED Lamp recommends LED lamps as a great tool for dimly lit spaces, because it cheers up the vibe, doesn't require much energy and can be adjusted to your exact specifications.

Comfortable Chair

When sitting for extended periods of time to work, it is paramount that you have adequate comfort. Sitting on hard wooden chairs can have a negative long-term impact on the health of your spine, joints, bones, muscles and nerves. Pinched nerves can develop over time without proper seat cushions, and this can lead to nerve damage. It's always best to use a cushion for rest. Find a thick, comfortable pillow or cushion that is ideal for sitting for long periods. Depending on the ergonomics of the chair, a cushion for your back can be helpful as well.

Standing Desk

When given a choice between standing and sitting, standing is the healthier option to choose. The human body was not designed to sit for extended periods, and this inactivity is the root of many stress and health problems. Standing desks can be purchased that include optional remote control height adjustments. Or, you can make your own standing desk using a tall table. Chirp recommends placing your computer at about eye level, so if a standing desk is forcing you to look down, you should place books or other objects under your monitor.

Background Music

A recent Stanford study found that "music moves [the] brain to pay attention." Having comforting music in the background, such as classical music, is always a good idea. As long as the music isn't too distracting, background music has been proven to be very beneficial to productivity. Many recent studies have shown that listening to light classical music in particular while working can increase productivity significantly. Other forms of background noise, like white noise and hertz music (432 hertz), are excellent for blocking out distracting sounds.

There are many different positions to choose from in order to maximize your success as a writer. Whether you prefer standing, sitting, bright lights or dim lights, it is always important to have the right ambiance in order to support your needs and build a creative environment. Through disciplined posture in sitting or standing and having a screen that is at eye level, you can be sure that you have a safe and productive workspace.

For more see How to Create the Perfect Home Office Space for Any Job.

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