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Where to Find Expert Quotes and Facts for Your Articles and Blog Posts

Where to Find Expert Quotes and Facts for Your Articles and Blog Posts

Nothing makes you look more like a professional writer than using expert opinions and researched data to back up your topic. Where do you find all of these knowledgeable people? Good question! Here is a quick list of places I go when I need information for my articles.

Qwoted- This site is my new favorite. It’s super easy to use and you can easily sort through replies to your query.

Profnet- I use this site the most. You type up a note about what type of person you need and Profnet sends it out to people that may be interested.

HARO- Help a Reporter Out is a lot like Profnet. When you use this one, be ready for a flood of replies to your query.

ExpertClick- You can find press releases, experts and news stories at this site.

TravMedia- Do you write travel pieces? Then this is the site you need to join.

NewsWise- NewsWise can send you the latest press releases and list of expert contacts to your email address. They specialize in health, science and life news.

Game Press- This is the go-to site for video game information. You can get contact information for gaming experts here, as well as news and press releases.

Association of Food Journalists- Foodie writers can find leads and information for food trend articles on this site.

Reporter Connection- I haven't used this site, but it looks like it works like Profnet.

MyBlogU- This is a collaboration site for bloggers.

Businesswire- Business writers will love this site. You can find press releases, market information and more.

Kiti- This site, formally Media Kitty, helps you “find unique story angles, news releases, connect with brands and network with media and influencers.”

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Smart Ways To Maximize Your Freelancing Profits

Smart Ways To Maximize Your Freelancing Profits

Freelance writing jobs of the week mega list: September 23, 2020

Freelance writing jobs of the week mega list: September 23, 2020