Attention Getting Tips for Your Brand from 3 Experts
My goal is to get eyes on my client's brand. If you write marketing emails or website copy for clients, then you do, too. I got to wondering how other writer/marketers do the same. So, I sent out a call to people in the industry for their best tips.
Here are some great lessons from three experts.
Get Shocking
This is the very first response I got:
I didn't really steal your dog. In fact I don't even know if you have a dog. But I did see your post on Profnet about getting the attention of people for your blog, website or marketing purposes and I felt that this use of a subject line (which is what I do for all reporters and publications, though usually not with stolen dogs) is a perfect example of my approach to getting your attention and that of our target audiences.
There are a bunch of ways to get eyes on your business' brand.
Shock them. Then tell them you're pitch. We have garnered a large number of articles in publications using this method. My favorite subject line is - PRINTER INK IS MADE FROM UNICORN HORNS or some variant of this.
[bctt tweet="My favorite subject line is - PRINTER INK IS MADE FROM UNICORN HORNS or some variant of this" via="no"]
Let me know if you would like to learn more about my guerrilla marketing tactics and I will expound.
Have a nice day. And cuddle your dog for me if you have one.
- Al
Al Ruggie, Public Relations Director
Go Local
Elizabeth had a different approach:
I’ve published ebooks for more than 30 authors and I have extensive knowledge and experience in building and selling a business from the ground up. As an author, the best strategy I've used to build a following was the simple idea of starting local. I created my Facebook profile initially unsure if anyone from my home town would even remember me, as it had been years since my last visit. It only took a few weeks before the word got out of my new memoir, Long Blue Line, which is based on my teen/young adult experience growing up in South Lake Tahoe, CA.
I began getting several friend requests and I quickly built a solid fan-base to begin my career as an author. Now that I've reflected back and thought about why it was so easy to build my following, I've come up with a couple of theories:
People need to have the ability to relate. Whether it be relating to a book, article, product or service, if the person feels a sense of belonging they're much more likely to take an active interest.
It only takes a few good followers to help get the ball rolling. I always make sure to respond to every message that I get from my fans. This aids in the word of mouth strategy. If you can get just a few people to actually talk about your product, you're going to be at an immediate advantage.
-Elizabeth McNew, (author of Long Blue Line and Digital Publishing,National E-Book Association Founder), featured on BellaOnline,, and to name a few.
Build Relationships
You don't have to give them a hug, but relationships build long-term results.
After numerous years working (and teaching) integrated marketing communications (IMC), Bonnie Harris, founder of Wax Marketing, Inc., says one of her top tips for generating long-term interest is:
"Find out who the influencers are within your genre and build authentic relationships with them. Follow them on Twitter and other networks. Curate their articles, retweet their tweets, comment on their blog posts and interact with them whenever an opportunity arises. Do this in a thoughtful manner with smart commentary. The attention you generate from these interactions can lead to substantial promotion of your own blog/site or company, and links back to your content. This tactic works better than any 'get followers fast' type scheme and it lasts."