When you run a small company, it’s essential to be aware of the risks of potential disasters that could put you out of business. It’s hard enough to make a new venture successful in a fiercely competitive marketplace without having to try and recover from setbacks. If you’re a small business owner (freelance writers, I'm looking at you!), here’s everything you need to stay on track.
Keeping Your Business Premises Safe
You’ve invested blood, sweat and tears and a whole heap of cash. The last thing you want is to lose everything to opportunistic thieves. Whether you run an office at home, rent a studio, or you’ve bought an office block, it’s essential to make sure your premises are secure.
All your equipment should be insured, and you should use security systems to try and deter thieves. It’s very common for businesses to have valuable items, which are appealing to burglars, so make life as difficult as possible for those who want to try and breach your defenses. Use CCTV cameras, outdoor lighting or an alarm system to protect the building and its contents. It’s also worth investing in a safe if you store money in your office overnight.
security for small businesses
Preventing technical glitches
Every business owner dreads that moment when the server goes down, or the website crashes. Even the shortest period of downtime can have an impact on your finances, as well as your appeal to clients and customers.
If you don’t already make use of cloud IT solutions or have backup from tech support, now is the time to reassess the situation. If you outsource IT support, you’ll pay a monthly or annual fee in exchange for a package that will protect your systems, ensure that your software and security are up to date and give you access to expert help. It’s also essential to make sure that you keep up to date with office maintenance checks to ensure that all the equipment you use is safe and fit for purpose.
tech in small business
Customer service
In a day and age when many people read comments and reviews before they make a decision, it’s more important than ever to offer first-class standards of customer service. If you run any kind of business, you want your clients to leave you a glowing report and recommend you to their friends, family and other internet users.
A good review could put you on the map while a bad write-up could reduce customer numbers and drive people to your competitors. Customer care should always be a priority. Go the extra mile to make sure you get that positive feedback every time.
One good tip is to answer any Facebook messages or emails within the hour. This gives potential clients a great image of you.
good customer service
As a small business owner, you want to do everything possible to prevent disasters and hiccups, which could hold you back and eat into your profits. Make sure your premises are secured and ensure you’re doing everything to make your business run smoothly on a day to day basis. Investing in technology and support services can help to prevent downtime, and increase productivity and efficiency. Don’t lose sight of the importance of positive feedback. Word of mouth and Internet reviews are very effective marketing tools, so you need to make sure that your customers only have good things to say about you.