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SEO Residual Income Writing Post-Panda Tips

SEO residual income writing gives writers the chance to write about whatever they want and make money. In post-Panda times, many writers are wondering how to still earn with their articles and gain Google's love.

Well, I've trolled forums, listened to other writers and read news articles to come up with the key to what Google is looking for in articles. Here's a process I've come up with to meet new Google guidelines. The crossed out lines are what people used to tell you to do to get Google points that aren't true anymore.

Come up with a list of topics you would love to write about. They can be anything at all. Remember, if you are interested in the subject, chances are thousands of others are, too.  Take your idea and type it into Google's Adwords Keyword Tool. Click on "Get Keyword Ideas." The site will create a list of keywords that you can easily choose to slip into your articles for better SEO. Be choosy. Pick the phrases and words that work best with your article and that get the most traffic. Remember to use a few of these keywords (around two is best) into the title, too.  SEO should come organically. Don't worry about jamming your article full of keywords.  Google penalize articles that are too stuffed with keywords because they look spammy. Repeating the word or phrase 3 times per 400 words is plenty.  Add a couple of outgoing links to your article to add search engine friendliness.  Only use one or two internal links. Use only original content in your articles. That means don't use passages from other people's articles or even your own that is published elsewhere. If you are posting your articles on your own site make sure that the ads are kept to a minimum. I've heard that keeping ads "under the fold" is best, meaning, you would need to scroll down to see them.

I'll try to add to this list as I gather more information.

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