Put Selfcare First to Make Your Business Better
The App to Harmonize Your Hectic Lifestyle is Now Available on Google Play Recently, I was sent information about a new app, and I think it is a really good one for writers. As part of our jobs, we're constantly using devices, making calls, answering emails, filling in spreadsheets... Sometimes, though, we need to chill before we suffer from burnout. The #SelfCare app was designed to help people destress and center themselves by using calming music and animations.
I had absolutely no idea what to expect when I downloaded the app. I just knew I liked the sound of "selfcare." As soon as you open the app, it starts playing what I like to call "meditation music." It then guides you through some exercises and minigames to calm and relax you.
It sounds a little woo-woo, but I actually really like it. In just seconds the app makes you feel cozy and happy. Okay, that's sounds weird, but give it a shot. You might like it. (No, I don't get paid for saying that. I really like it!)
Tru Luv app selfcare
Here's more about the TRU LUV #SelfCare app.
What is The TRU LUV #SelfCare App?
Just six weeks after its immensely successful launch for iPhone that placed it in the Top 50 free games in the App Store, today #SelfCare hits the Google Play store for Android devices. Developed by the team at TRU LUV, #SelfCare’s playful innovations to digitally engage and personally disconnect are changing the game of mindfulness.
With our lifestyle technologies overwhelming our reality, more of us are choosing to find a rare moment to shut off with a yoga or meditation class. #SelfCare flips the script, empowering your phone to become your tool and guide to finding quick calm any time. As you stay in your virtual bed all day surrounded by your favorite gentle things, you select calming tasks that generate simple satisfaction and uncomplicated harmony. Unlike traditional games that get increasingly more stressful as you progress, the #SelfCare interactions begin disorderly and awkward and become more orderly and satisfying with the simple goal of feeling better.
“We have a love-hate relationship with our phones, and often feel stressed and manipulated by them,” inform #SelfCare co-creators Eve Thomas and Brie Code. “We want to create experiences that doesn’t waste our time and that truly leave us feeling relaxed and invigorated and more ready for life.”
Further enhancing your #SelfCare experience is the ability personalize your virtual sanctuary with unique additions contributed by guest artists working in themes of self-care, updating your space to reflect the evolution of your goals and outlook. The more time you spend on yourself, the more self-care techniques are unlocked for a deeper and more impactful practice. This Android release of #SelfCare coincides with the introduction of a new in-app minigame in which you tend to your bedside plant and receive its guidance.
To develop #SelfCare upon an evidence-based foundation, the team collaborated with research advisor Dr. Isabela Granic — creator of the renowned anxiety-reducing children’s game MindLight, Professor and Chair of Developmental Psychopathology at Radboud University in the Netherlands, and Director at Games for Emotional and Mental Health Lab.
Download #SelfCare on Google Play or the App Store. For more information visit TRULUV.ai.