Alina Bradford

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Pinterest Tip: Less is More

better pinterest marketing

Posting photos, illustrations or infographics on Pinterest is a great way to build interest and traffic for your site. Like any great seduction, though, less is more. Leave a little to the imagination. Keep those viewers wanting more so that they follow the Pinterest post to your site to feed their curiosity, ya know?

[bctt tweet="Like with any great seduction, less is more.  #Pinterestmarketing tips"]

When Too Much Is Detrimental

There is a very famous women's magazine I subscribe to that uses


consistently. Usually, this would be a boon for site traffic. The magazine makes one fatal mistake over and over again, though. They make a slide show for their articles and then proceeds to pin every single photo. Folks don't need to click through to the site because they've already seen every point article had to offer.You don't have to pin all of your slideshow to make this mistake.

Infographics are a very popular item to pin. People love those suckers! The problem is that if you pin the whole infographic to Pinterest, pinners won't follow the pin to your site. Why would they? They've already read the infographic and moved on.

Become a Temptress

pinterest sharing

The answer to over sharing is to be coy about your pins. For most articles, pick a great photo and add a great description that lures the pinner to read more.

That's it!With infographics, it is as simple as this:

1. Take a screenshot of the infographic

2. Crop out 1/3 of the infographic screenshot using a photo editor

3. Pin the edited screenshot

This will make readers click through so they can read the rest. Make sure you say in the description, "Click this pin to see the whole infographic."

The next time you use Pinterest to advertise your content, just remember to ask yourself one thing:

Pinterest tips

Am I sharing too much?

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