Alina Bradford

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How To Make Your Blog The Ultimate Industry Competitor

Self-employment has been on the rise recently. More and more people are realising the earning potential of being their own boss and creating their own business. Blogging has surged in popularity.

For anyone starting out, or trying to climb the blogging ladder of success, there is a lot of competition - even if you have a peculiar niche. So how do you stand out? Here are a few tips on how your blog can climb from the bottom to the top of your competitor list, and start to grow with the success it deserves.

Your Layout And Design

You may love your layout and design of your blog, and make a point of constantly trying to improve it. However, if you are still not seeing a surge in views per day, it may be time to see what your existing viewers think of it.

  • Are new blogs easy to find?

  • Do you have a way of searching through your content?

  • Is your content categorised?

You may think your blog is pretty and simple, but the opinions that really matter are of your viewers. If they think it’s a hot mess, it could be what's holding you back from your big viewing break.

There are many websites out there who offer a template service to help you customise your layout, or you could get in contact with an experienced web designer who will be able to advise you on the best way to make your page easier on the eyes and more user-friendly.


what is SEO

After you’ve put all that hard work into making your website functional and visually appealing, it would be a shame if nobody got a chance to see it. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a way of ensuring that whenever people are searching for content within your particular niche, that your blog comes up near the top of the list.

If you are honest with yourself, when was the last time you looked beyond the first page of an internet search? Most people don’t even look beyond the first five or six entries. A good quality SEO agency helps to put your blog at the top of the pile, meaning more hit and more followers for you. Exposure is the name of the game.

Don't want to hire help? Here's my free guide to everything you need to know about SEO.

Social Media

In order for your blog to become a success, you already know you need to create a loyal following and make yourself known to brands who can  sponsor you.

If you haven’t yet started to market your blog on social media, it is time to start. With being able to reach a much larger percentage of people overnight than any other source of marketing, social media is invaluable to your business success. You can join blogging groups or simply share posts on your own professional page.

To really kick-start your marketing campaign, you could even do a giveaway that requires the viewer to share your blog on their page to enter. It also is a great tool for keeping in touch with your readers to thank them for any good feedback or constructive criticism. You can also get inspiration for ideas if ever you hit a wall of writer's block with your blog.

There you have it, some tried and tested methods of placing your blog head and shoulders above the competition, and helping it to find its own two feet in success.