If you visit often, you may have noticed that this blog has been redesigned. Since I have made these changes, the earnings have gone up 1,088% in just a week's time.
I'll explain why.
The other template I was using was the new Blogger Dynamic View template. These templates look very professional, so I figured they would be a great way to spruce up the blog. I noticed after a few months of using the template that my views rose but my earnings all but stopped. I ended up just making a couple dollars per month. This is because when you use Dynamic Views, Blogger doesn't let you add anything to the sidebars other than one Adsense block. So you can't add affiliate advertising, links to your favorite blogs, in-line advertising...nothing. I tested my earning/views with Dynamic Views on one of my other blogs (that had a completely different audience) and found the same results.
So, if you also write your own blog you may want to avoid using Dynamic View templates if you want to have control over your earnings and your sidebar information.