Alina Bradford

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7 Checklist Items for Success in 2021

No matter what your goal is for 2019, you need a plan to make it happen. Dr. Jean Gilnord Mathurin, author of Checklist Items for Success: A Guide to a Richer and More Successful Life, is a Haitian immigrant who raised himself from a dishwasher to a United States’ Naval Medical Officer has developed seven checklist items from success. This strategy brought him from living in a one-bedroom home in Haiti with seven siblings to a prestigious career in the USA. Now, he’s sharing his tips to empower today’s teens and also those who know they have a purpose in life but just need the “how” to make it happen.

Below is Dr. Mathurin’s checklist for success in 2021.

7 Checklist Items for Success in 2021

  1. Goals: Have goals for your life, short-term (daily to yearly goals) and long-term goals (1 to 10-year goals), and most importantly, daily goals.

  2. Action: Pledge to take action on every intuition and idea you conceive about your goals during the day.

  3. Courage: Have the courage to go the extra mile with everything that you do.

  4. Value: Remember that human resources, starting with yourself, are the greatest resources in the industry. Be genuinely interested and enthusiastic about everyone you meet.

  5. Invest: Seek to create value in yourself and in everyone around you.

  6. Giving: Seek to know what people around you want in life and help them get it. The truth is most people want to be successful, but the key is also to want to help others to be successful.

  7. Legacy: Seek to perform more acts of kindness to others and give more in terms of the time you spend with them, the smiles you bestow on them, and the words of encouragement you speak unto them.

Here are some more tips for starting off 2021 right:

Resolution: Make 2021 Your Healthy Brain Year

How to Make New Year’s Resolutions that Stick

4 Steps to Clicking the Internal Refresh Button: How to be Mentally and Emotionally Prepared for the New Year

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