If you’ve spent time constructing, researching, and writing a blog post that you think is worthy of people’s attention, it can be a bit dispiriting when you review the stats of how many people engaged with it only to discover hardly anyone visited your site in the first place. Don’t take it to heart - it has nothing (OK, a little) to do with the quality of your writing or how interesting your subject was. By making a few simple changes to how you handle your blog, you can get the readers you crave.
blogging tips to drive traffic
Source: Pexels.com
A Blog is About More Than the Writing
Ernest Hemingway would have had a difficult time getting visitors to his blog. He was pretty self-interested, and seldom played up to the crowds. If you want to have your blog read, don’t be like Ernest. After you’ve finished the writing part, it’s time to dress is up so that it’s a webpage that people will visit. This means including things like photographs and gifs, breaking up the text so that it’s easy to read, and including a few links within the piece so that it’s given an SEO boost for Google. Also, don’t underestimate how much people are drawn to a catchy title.
Into the Inbox
You’ve written a blog...and now it’s time to send it out there. People will find your content of their own accord, but many more will “find” if they’re given a gentle nudge in their inbox. If you’ve already got a list of subscribers, make sure it’s going out to them.
If you’re a new blog trying to get traffic and don’t have a list yet, some people buy bulk email lists. I don't advocate this, but some people do, so I guess it might be something to consider, as long as the emails were collected ethically. Many of these list contain fake or unused email addresses, so be careful.
Spreading the Word
Aside from sending posts directly to the email addresses you have in your database, you should also endeavour to get the word out to as many people as possible by posting your blog around the web. If you have an engaging blog post about a topic that is hot at the moment, people will be interested. Get it on your Facebook page, your business Facebook page, and submit it to companies with high follower count. Who knows, it might even go viral! And once you have people to your site, you should be prompting them to join your mailing list. It can be a slow process, but it’s a good way of doing it.
Make it Good
Finally, it goes without saying that your content should be good. Instead of posting several adequate posts a day, post one or two high quality blogs instead. If your blog has many spelling or grammatical errors then it doesn’t matter how many people visit your site; you’re running the risk of them leaving pretty quickly and not coming back. Take your time to make your blog posts as good as they can be - you’re showcasing your talents, after all!